Monthly Archives: April 2009

The AIDS Industry


Is the AIDS industry honest?

Ask yourself if you have ever heard this, or anything like this before:

“We can be exposed to HIV many times without being chronically infected. Our immune system will get rid of the virus within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system.”

Continue reading The AIDS Industry

The Village Voice Buries the Bodies

by Liam Scheff

There are at least 200 dead children lying in the wake of the high-dose drug studies done by Columbia Presbyterian on orphans in NYC. The perpetrators won’t release a single medical record, not even to participants.

Children weren’t paid, families weren’t paid, weren’t asked.

The children and infants used in major drug trials were often orphans.

This week’s Village Voice doesn’t trouble the reader with this information in a meaningful way. They excuse it. Continue reading The Village Voice Buries the Bodies

Village Voice Compounds New York Times “Errors” on NIH Orphan Scandal

Emailed from Liam Scheff to writers/editors Village Voice – Retraction! Village Voice Compounds NY Times “Errors.” 4/4/09

To the Editor, Writers, Village Voice,

While your article on the ICC scandal is too riddled with error to fix line by line, there is one demonstrably false statement that you must retract and amend.

Quoting the New York Times 2005 article, which attempted to cover up the ICC scandal, you claimed that the information I provided was done through un-named sources and un-documented research. You then acknowledged that you were interviewing my sources, using the leads that I provided you. Therefore I think you owe your audience some clarification.
Continue reading Village Voice Compounds New York Times “Errors” on NIH Orphan Scandal